Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year's Eve Eve

It's getting down to the wire and I'm beginning to say good-bye to 2008. Typically I feel sad about the end of the year, but this year it's different. It was an awful year to say the least. I did not meet my personal goals, nor my professional goals. The world seemed in a shambles. I never would have predicted another depression, although no one is calling it a depression....loss of jobs, homes, and money. That sure sounds like a depression.

But I did learn to knit socks. I threw my heart and my fingers into it. By the looks of my wallet, I should have turned around the economy around by myself just by what I spent on Socks that Rock yarn! But everyone I know got socks...this year the ladies of the View will be wearing my socks and gorgeous socks they will be!

I also got to know Eve Behar. She's a fine pottery artist. She's also the daughter of Joy Behar. Who knew? I have bought a few beautiful pieces of pottery from her for my family and for me. I gave my friend a beautiful bowl from her for her birthday. Eve is also a lovely gal...very sweet! And very, very talented.

2009 will be better. I have some ideas about what I'd like to accomplish. I know I will get them done! See ya soon! Marian

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